
Conventions of film noir g321
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This document sufficiently explains the convention of Film Noir; highlighting areas such as visual style and narrative structure. 

This Prezi explores the history of Film Noir Genre, from its origin to the neo-noir movies of the 21st century. This Prezi also looks in depth at some of the actors and the directors at the height of the Genre.  

This image clearly shows the target audience of the Film Noir
This is a more in-depth insite to the target audience of Film Noir 


A Youtube video to showcase the dress-code of the 1940s time period.

Film Analysis – ‘Double Indemnity’

The movie opens with an extreme long shot of a car speeding down a road towards the camera. The scene is almost completely black the only light is from the headlights and streetlights and a sign that was illuminated saying ‘Los Angeles Railway Club’. Fast paced music is played as the car speeds along the dimly lit road narrowly missing an oncoming car. Sound perspective is used to emphasize the near miss the car had. The man enters his office and seems drunk.

We are able to see an establishing shot of a main road, with road signs, the sign says ‘Los Angeles’, so we are able to depict that this movie is set in Los Angeles. It is currently at night because of the darkness, and this adds to the creepy effect within the movie; as most crimes are committed at night and that is when it is most haunting.
The man who we see firstly we believe to be the predominant character, is in a suit with a long black trench coat and a trilby hat; looking very formal. I believe this says a lot about his character, and we can instantly know a little bit about him. We see this male holding a gun, and this prop is very common amongst thriller movies, the audience will automatically have questions that they want answered such as why he has the gun, what is he going to do with it, all these questions we want answered. Another prop is the car driving very swiftly and out of control; additionally the audience wants to know this car is driving in this manner.
Camera/ editing:
During the opening sequence we see the titles, and these consist of who was within the construction of the movie. The male character appears to be walking towards us which is very clever, we want to know why he is on crutches; also who done it to him. Furthermore, the long shot of the office is really effective, in my opinion, as we are able to see the sheer amount of workers that work they; due to the deserted desks in the shot.
In the opening sequence we meet the driver of the car, and we find out that his name is Mr Neff, and we learn that he is an important member of the company, possibly a manager. This could be thought due to the fact that he has his own office, and it is higher up than the workers little desks.
Special effects:
In ‘Double Indemnity’ the opening sequence I feel doesn’t have very many special effects used, it is just simple camera work. The only special effects that could be used were to assist the car in driving so fast around the streets.

Memento Opening Analysis 

Nine screen analysis of the movie ‘double indemnity’
View more documents from G321GeorgiaJohnson.

I chosen 9 vital screenshots of the opening sequence of 'Double Indemnity' and analyze each one in-deapthly.